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- CEE HIGHLIGHTS 09-05-2016 Expansion in the Czech Republic Continues Customer wins are signaling the seamless execution of Prista Oil Czech’s ambitious growth plan. Recently signed contracts will bring significant new business to Prista in the automotive sectors. mare
- Plamen Bobokov awarded „Golden badge – Ruse“ and the title “Revered citizen of Ruse” 06-05-2016 On the eve of 6th of May, the festival of the city of Ruse, the large industrialist and universally recognized patron of the arts Plamen Bobokov, owner of Prista Oil, received a double recognition from his fellow citizens. The title “Revered citizen of Ruse”.. mare
- Plamen Bobokov was awarded the honor „Golden badge – Ruse“ 05-05-2016 Today, on the eve of 6th of May – the festival of Ruse - the large industrialist and universally recognized patron of the arts Plamen Bobokov received a well-deserved recognition from his fellow citizens for his work of many years, his dignified and... mare
- Monza a anuntat echipa bulgara "Sofia Car Motorsport", si pe creatorul masinii, Rosen Dask... 25-04-2016 O pana a alternatorului a scos liderul de pe pista in a doua cursa din primul tur al competitiei, Monza-Bulgarian Car, pilotata de Andreas Guelden. mare
- Sofia Car Motorsport va participa in sezonul 2016 al seriei GT4 Europene, care incepe in c... 22-04-2016 Dupa testele de succes din Romania, Sofia Car Motorsport va participa in sezonul 2016 al seriei GT4 Europene, care incepe in cateva zile cu Sin R1 GT4. mare
- Prista Oil Turcia participa la Automechanika ISTANBUL 15-04-2016 Echipa Prista Oil a participat la Targul International pentru Industria Automobilelor din 7- 10 aprilie 2016 din Turcia. mare
- Plamen Bobokov: Ruse nu este numai in inima mea, ci si in toate proiectele mele viitoare 22-03-2016 "Prista Oil" a devenit un simbol al afacerilor de succes in Bulgaria, dar si mai puternic pe o scara internationala. In cat de multe tari s-a extins afacerea dvs. si ce rezultate anticipati pentru noul an? mare
- Plamen Bobokov si arh. Tanko Serafimov (post-mortem) au primit titlul de "Cetatean venerat... 01-03-2016 Coproprietarul Prista Oil, Plamen Bobokov si arh. Tanko Serafimov (post-mortem) au primit titlul de "Cetatean venerat al orasului Ruse". Decizia a fost luata de Consiliul Municipal Ruse. mare
- Prista Oil prezinta tehnologia de productie inovativa CCBL 27-11-2015 Prista Oil prezinta tehnologia de productie inovativa CCBL mare
- Locul 2 in Clasa PRO si locul 3 in clasamentul final, pentru SIN Cars & Sofia Car Motorspo... 07-10-2015 Prista Oil sprijina in 2015 masinile SIN 102 GT4 Seria Europeana mare